NSW Trustee and Guardian Client Abuse – Websites Exposing Public Trustees

About Gary White and the reasons for setting up this website

My name is Gary White. I am an investor and stock market trader. Previously, I worked for many years as a department manager for a large supermarket chain on Sydney’s northern beaches and was responsible for my department’s budgets, finances and general administration. I have also been involved in estate management and looking after the financial affairs of others, including those who have difficulty in managing their finances for themselves.

Like most people in NSW and around Australia generally, I had always respected our Commonwealth and State Governments and their agencies and had thought if there were any individuals working within those agencies doing the wrong thing, there were always our politicians and the Ombudsman one could turn to in order to have matters rectified. It was only when a lady I had known for many years had her finances placed in the hands of the State that I came to learn just how wrong this kind of thinking can be.

To summarise matters the lady, who can only be identified as Marilyn for legal reasons, had everything she had owned and collected in her lifetime disposed of by NSW Trustee and Guardian (NSWTG) once she was placed in a nursing home. Marilyn was never paid anything for her belongings, with NSWTG justifying not paying her by alleging that her son and I had stolen them. Investigations revealed that NSWTG had paid $2,950.00 out of her funds to a non existent contracting business, including $1,100.00 to have her belongings taken away, when in reality this task had been performed by the local council, the cost of which was covered by her annual council rates.

NSWTG forcibly sold Marilyn’s home against her wishes, and at a bargain basement price, when there was never any financial need for it to be sold in the first place. The real estate agent who had sold the property on behalf of NSWTG was also the owner of the bank account into which NSWTG had paid Marilyn’s funds for the fraudulent charges in relation to the clearance from her property. Complaints to the Ombudsman and the Attorney General were not pursued while the media would not report on what had occurred.

It was the media’s failure to report what has been going on at NSWTG which led to the setting up of this website. People out there in our general community need to be made aware of what State Governments and their Public Trustees are doing to our elderly, vulnerable citizens so that something can be done to put a stop to it.. This website sets out to warn people what to expect if they let the financial affairs of their loved ones get placed in the hands of NSWTG or Public Trustees in other States once they start losing their capacity. It is absolutely essential that families reach consensus amongst themselves as, taking the matter to NCAT when they can’t agree, will only result in NSWTG being appointed financial manager and seeing their loved ones stripped of their assets and having their wealth destroyed. The situation is little better in other States.

I would like to hear from anyone having issues with NSWTG or other Public Trustee authorities across Australia. The more people there are speaking out over what NSWTG and other Public Trustees do to their helpless victims, the greater the chances that mainstream media sources will pluck up the courage and expose their conduct to the broader public. The ABC, through Four Corners and the 7.30 Report, has been very strong on the issue of elder abuse when it occurs within families and certain aged care centres but has remained strangely silent when it comes to exposing the worst offenders, the Public Trustees and Public Guardians. I, and others within the movement, are working towards having all that change. Gary can be contacted on
0419 461847.

Committee to Expose the Public Trustee of Qld

Several other organisations exist which are engaged in the fight to put an end to the abuse and exploitation of our elderly and most vulnerable citizens by various Public Trustee and Public Guardian authorities across Australia. We at NSW Trustee and Guardian Client Abuse support these organisations and, in particular, have a close affiliation with our sister group The Committee to Expose the Public Trustee of Qld (which also has a related forum).

The Committee to Expose the Public Trustee of Qld has been running for a number of years now. The main person behind this group is Rosslyn Price Mirciov of Brisbane, one of the movement’s most respected identities in Australia leading the fight at the grass roots level. She is ably supported by Doug Young, another well known Qld identity, who lives in the Gold Coast hinterland. Rosslyn’s group holds meetings on the last Saturday of each month and its members support each other at their QCAT hearings and court cases. They also hold street rallies, participate in interviews on community radio and have their own website to draw the public’s attention to the Public Trustee of Qld’s exploitation and abuse of those that come under its administration.

The Qld group’s members have had a greater degree of success in fighting and exposing the Public Trustee than what has generally been the case in other States. This has had much to do with the way the members have come together sharing their areas of expertise and knowledge with each other along with direct personal contacts obtained for them with politicians and senior journalists in the mainstream media. The members hold a wide range of views, whether it be politically or just on basic fundamental matters affecting our everyday lives. It is a testament to Rosslyn’s skills, compassion and understanding of people’s situations and mindsets that she has been able to keep the group united and focused in their support the way that she has.

Rosslyn is also very well known locally for her community services work that she performs around Brisbane, particularly in support of the homeless. She chooses to live a homeless lifestyle herself so that they will regard her as one of their own and conversant with the issues they face in their everyday lives. Her clean living habits allows them to see there can be a life out there for them without the need to be turning to alcohol and drugs. She runs a florist shop called Aaalora Florist in the Brisbane suburb of Wynnum which she makes available as a social meeting place for those seeking comfort, help or support in their times of stress and need. She also provides advice to anyone being affected by the guardianship system. Rosslyn can be contacted on
0407 118893.

Australian Association to Stop Guardianship & Administration Abuse (AASGAA)

AASGAA is a relatively newly formed group which only came on the radar back in 2018. The group is based in Melbourne but quickly gained considerable support and backing in south-eastern Qld after availing itself of the professional skills and services of Gold Coast marketing manager Melinda Walsh. Melinda was the one to obtain AASGAA’s direct personal contacts with senior politicians and journalists in Qld while at the same time building up a substantial following for the group on social media. AASGAA held a successful and very well attended public meeting on the Gold Coast in July 2019 with Shadow Attorney General, Mr David Janetzki, being among those who attended.

AASGAA is run by a lady who has asked that her true identity not be revealed. She is currently known by the pen name Kris Dal Ch but had previously been known as just Dal Ch. Kris Dal Ch has put a considerable amount of time, money and effort into setting up and running her AASGAA group and website. The AASGAA website includes a most valuable archival section containing a treasure trove of many previously published items and newspaper reports relating to Public Trustee and Guardianship issues around Australia. The website is essential viewing just for browsing through these records alone. June Walker has done an outstanding job in the way she has gone about compiling all these reports and bringing them all together in the one place where everyone can see them.

AASGAA is to be found on both Facebook and Twitter, where its postings and responses are regularly updated and often include the latest newspaper and current affairs items related to trustee and guardian and aged care issues. AASGAA’s members have generally been using these forums to express their outrage and indignation over what has been done to them by the system whereas both the Qld and NSW groups put the emphasis more on seeking solutions to the issues themselves. Kris Dal Ch’s time spent on ASGAA duties would leave little time for anything else for most people, yet somehow she manages to fit in running an auditing and accountancy business in the inner Melbourne suburb of South Melbourne as well. Kris Dal Ch can be contacted through her website or on Facebook and Twitter.

Other Websites

In addition to the groups, there are also several websites that draw attention to the rackets engaged in by the various Public Trustee authorities around Australia without actually having activist groups directly associated with them. The best known of these is the Workers Bush Telegraph run by Ian Curr of Brisbane. Members of the Committee to Expose the Public Trustee of Qld have had their issues reported from time to time by the Workers Bush Telegraph or have been interviewed by Ian Curr on community radio station 4ZZZ in Brisbane.

Trusteetering is a comparatively small website providing a summary of some of the better known cases involving abuse and corruption by Public Trustees and their staff around Australia. It also provides links to the original reports for more details. The website was set up by jo Stoic of Sydney whose family has had to go through their own unfortunate dealings with NSWTG. Jo is also an administrator for the NSW Trustee and Guardian Client Abuse group.

The New South Wales Public Trustee and Guardian Exposed website ran for a number of years before eventually closing down at the end of 2019. In its early years of operation it was the only website of its type in Australia that had been set up with the sole purpose of exposing Public Trustees. Paul Contempree was the person behind this website and has not ruled out the possibility that he might have it put back up again. We at NSW Trustee and Guardian Client Abuse will certainly support him if he should choose to do so.

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